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SPARK Microsystems annonce une ronde de financement de 48 millions de dollars canadiens menée par Idéaliste Capital

SPARK Microsystems

SPARK Microsystems, une entreprise montréalaise de semi-conducteurs spécialisée dans les communications sans fil à ultra-large bande (UWB) de nouvelle génération, a annoncé aujourd'hui la clôture d'une ronde de financement de série B de 34 millions de dollars canadiens, à laquelle s’ajoute un montant supplémentaire de 14 millions de dollars canadiens disponible sous réserve de l'atteinte de cibles opérationnelles. Menée par Idéaliste Capital, une société de capital d'investissement axée sur la transition énergétique et la décarbonation, la ronde inclut les actionnaires existants Cycle Capital, Exportation et développement Canada (EDC), Real Ventures et ND Capital. Cette ronde de financement permet à l'entreprise d'accroître ses ressources pour mener à bien sa mission, qui consiste à dépasser les limites de performance, de puissance et de durabilité des plateformes existantes sans fil à courte portée. Ces fonds seront utilisés pour accélérer l'acquisition de clientèle et le développement de partenariats, ainsi que le développement de produits sur les principaux marchés couvrant les appareils électroniques mobiles et les capteurs intelligents. Les émetteurs-récepteurs sans fil UWB à ultra-basse consommation énergétique, à faible latence et à haut débit de SPARK permettent de nouveaux niveaux de fonctionnalité et de performance, et ce sans compromis, pour une large gamme de produits grand public, industriels, de l’internet des objets (IoT) et de l’industrie automobile. « Grâce au soutien d'Idéaliste Capital et des investisseurs existants, SPARK Microsystems est en voie de concrétiser sa vision de créer des réseaux sans fil haute performance pour une large gamme de produits, avec des cycles de vie des batteries considérablement plus longs et une réduction des déchets pour un avenir plus durable et respectueux de l'environnement », a déclaré Fares Mubarak, PDG de SPARK Microsystems. « Ce nouveau financement marque une étape cruciale dans la commercialisation à grande échelle de la technologie UWB de SPARK, nous permettant de répondre à la demande croissante de performance accrue dans la connectivité sans fil à courte portée. » « Idéaliste Capital investit dans des entreprises innovantes telles que SPARK Microsystems, qui a développé une technologie de pointe permettant de rendre des appareils électroniques plus écologiques et économes en énergie, et ce sans compromis sur la performance », a déclaré Steeve Robitaille, co-associé-directeur chez Idéaliste Capital. « Nous sommes heureux d’accompagner SPARK dans le cadre de sa croissance future. La technologie de SPARK est extrêmement prometteuse pour les appareils et accessoires sans fil, incluant ceux sans batterie, alimentés par des technologies de récupération d'énergie. » « Nous sommes ravis de l’arrivée d'un nouvel investisseur dans l'entreprise qui partage notre conviction que la technologie de pointe de SPARK peut permettre une réduction significative de la consommation d'énergie dans un large éventail d'applications. Ce financement permettra d'accélérer le déploiement de la technologie à ultra-large bande des prochaines générations de SPARK, et ce à l'échelle mondiale », a déclaré Andrée-Lise Méthot, fondatrice et associée directeure de Cycle Capital. « Nous nous réjouissons de contribuer à la croissance de SPARK Microsystems, car nous sommes convaincus que l'équipe a mis au point un produit de pointe qui permettra aux appareils électroniques d'être plus écoénergétiques. » La technologie sans fil à courte portée UWB de SPARK Microsystems réduit considérablement la consommation d'énergie des appareils connectés. Ses attributs de performance sont essentiels pour permettre la prochaine génération d'appareils mobiles connectés sans fil et de capteurs optimisés pour une efficacité énergétique élevée, entraînant une réduction significative de l'utilisation des batteries et de leur remplacement. Parmi ses récents accomplissements, SPARK a élargi sa collaboration avec les organismes de normalisation de l'industrie (IEEE, UWB Alliance, Consortium FiRa™) et a construit un réseau mondial de vente et de distribution tout en remportant des distinctions et des investissements de Technologies du développement durable Canada (TDDC) pour l'amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique des appareils sans fil. Les émetteurs-récepteurs UWB de SPARK – à l’aide de trousses de développement logiciel et de designs de référence – sont adaptés aux besoins des clients pour la nouvelle génération de produits électroniques de masse et des capteurs IoT, et des engagements stratégiques sont déjà en cours de développement avec des leaders technologiques mondiaux. À propos de SPARK Microsystems SPARK Microsystems construit des dispositifs de communication sans fil UWB à courte portée de prochaine génération. La technologie SPARK UWB fournit des liaisons de communication sans fil à débit de données élevé et à très faible latence avec un profil de puissance ultra-faible, ce qui la rend idéale pour les réseaux personnels (PAN) utilisés dans les produits mobiles, grand public et connectés à l'IoT. Grâce à ses technologies brevetées, SPARK Microsystems permet de minimiser et d'éliminer les fils et les batteries d'un large éventail d'applications. Pour plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur À propos d’Idéaliste Capital Idéaliste Capital est une société d’investissement qui se concentre sur l’accélération de la transition énergétique en fournissant du capital de croissance aux entrepreneurs en Amérique du Nord, en se concentrant principalement sur le marché canadien. Idéaliste Capital soutient les entreprises dont les activités permettent un impact climatique positif sur l’un de trois thèmes – (i) la décarbonation de l’apport en énergie, (ii) l’électrification des transports, et (iii) la décarbonation des processus industriels et l’économie circulaire. La société a un double mandat visant l’obtention d’excellents rendements ajustés au risque tout en soutenant des solutions qui sont bénéfiques pour le climat. Pour ce faire, Idéaliste Capital évalue son impact carbone et intègre des indicateurs clés de performance non-financiers dans toutes ses décisions d’investissement. Pour en savoir plus sur Idéaliste Capital, visitez Idéaliste Capital. À propos de Cycle Capital Cycle Capital est une plateforme de capital-risque de premier plan dans les technologies climatiques. Fondée en 2009, Cycle Capital investit à travers l’Amérique du Nord, l’Europe et l’Asie dans des entreprises en croissance qui commercialisent des solutions aux principaux défis écologiques mondiaux et contribuent à une transition nette zéro. Cycle Capital est le fondateur de Cycle Momentum – accélérateur + moteur d’innovation ouverte. Pour plus d’informations sur Cycle Capital, visitez: Contact Details Jenna Beaucage +1 508-340-6851 Company Website

March 13, 2023 07:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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SPARK Microsystems Announces CDN$48 Million Financing Led by Idealist Capital

SPARK Microsystems

SPARK Microsystems, a Montreal-based fabless semiconductor company specializing in next-generation ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless communications, today announced the closing of CDN$34 million Series B financing, with an additional CDN$14 million available subject to meeting operational milestones. Led by Idealist Capital, a prominent investment firm focused on the energy transition and decarbonization, the round includes existing investors Cycle Capital, Economic Development Canada (EDC), Real Ventures, and ND Capital. This round of investment extends the company’s resources to deliver on its mission to transcend the performance, power, and sustainability limitations of legacy short-range wireless platforms. Proceeds will be used to accelerate customer acquisition and partner engagements, as well as product development for major markets spanning mobile electronic devices and smart sensors. SPARK’s ultra-low power, low latency, high data rate wireless UWB transceivers enable new levels of functionality and performance with no compromises for a broad range of consumer, industrial, IoT, and automotive products. “With strong backing from Idealist Capital and existing investors, SPARK Microsystems is well positioned to execute on its vision of creating high-performance wireless networks for a broad range of products with significantly longer battery lifecycles and reduced waste for a more sustainable, environmentally friendly future,” said Fares Mubarak, CEO, SPARK Microsystems. “This new financing marks a pivotal milestone in the mass market commercialization of SPARK’s UWB technology, equipping us to meet massive demand for breakthrough performance in short-range wireless connectivity.” “Idealist Capital embraces investment opportunities in innovators like SPARK Microsystems who developed a breakthrough technology to enable greener, energy efficient electronic devices without compromise in performance,” said Steeve Robitaille, Co-Managing Partner, Idealist Capital. “We are thrilled to support SPARK for its future growth. SPARK’s UWB technology holds tremendous promise for battery-less, wireless devices powered by energy harvesting technologies.” “We’re pleased to see a new investor join the company and share our belief that Spark’s cutting-edge technology can enable a significant energy consumption reduction in a wide range of applications. This financing will help accelerate the deployment of Spark’s next-generation ultra-wideband technology on a global scale,” said Andrée-Lise Méthot, Founder and Managing Partner at Cycle Capital. “We look forward to contributing to SPARK Microsystems’ growth as we are convinced the team has developed an industry leading product that will enable electronic devices to be more energy efficient.” SPARK Microsystems’ UWB short-range wireless technology dramatically reduces energy consumption for connected devices. Its performance attributes are essential for enabling the next generation of wireless connected mobile devices and sensors optimized for high energy efficiency, driving a significant reduction in battery usage and replacement. Among its recent milestones, SPARK has expanded its collaboration with industry standards organizations (IEEE, UWB Alliance, FiRa™ Consortium) and built a global sales and distribution network while winning accolades and investments from Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) for improving energy efficiency in wireless devices. SPARK transceivers – complemented with SDKs and reference designs – are designed into customers’ next-generation products in consumer and IoT sensor markets, with strategic engagements in progress with tier-one technology suppliers. About SPARK Microsystems​ SPARK Microsystems is a fabless semiconductor company that is leading the way towards ultra-low power wireless communications for consumer and IoT-connected devices. With its patented technologies, SPARK Microsystems is bringing to market a high-performance wireless transceiver that allows for orders of magnitude improved power consumption, latency and more accurate ranging and positioning, while providing higher data rates than competing technologies. ​For more information, please visit​ About Idealist Capital Idealist Capital is an investment firm focused on accelerating the energy transition by providing growth capital to entrepreneurs across North America, with a primary focus on the Canadian market. Idealist Capital supports businesses whose activities enable positive climate impact across one of three themes – (i) the decarbonization of power supply, (ii) the electrification of transportation, and (iii) the decarbonization of industrials and circular economy. The Firm has a dual mandate to achieve excellent risk-adjusted returns while scaling solutions which are beneficial to the climate. Idealist Capital underwrites its carbon impact and integrates critical non-financial KPIs in its asset management process to build sustainable platforms. To learn more about Idealist Capital, visit About Cycle Capital CapitalCycle Capital is a leading private ClimateTech venture capital investment platform with offices in North America, Europe and Asia. Cycle Capital invests in growing and commercializing innovative climatetech companies that develop solutions to contribute towards climate change mitigation by enabling a net-zero transition, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and optimizing resources and processes. Cycle Capital is the founder of Cycle Momentum Accelerator + Innovation Engine. Contact Details Rainier Communications for SPARK Microsytems Jenna Beaucage +1 508-340-6851 Company Website

March 13, 2023 07:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Get your weekly groceries without having to pause your busy lifestyle


Recently, Multimedia Reporter and Trend Expert, Milly Almodovar conducted a satellite media tour to share tips on how to get your weekly groceries without having to pause your busy lifestyle and sacrifice any of your time. A video accompanying this announcement is available at: More and more consumers want faster, easier and affordable ways to get their essential items the same day without sacrificing time or quality. DoorDash launched on-demand grocery delivery in 2020, and over the last few years, it has accelerated its growth beyond restaurants, introducing on-demand grocery, convenience store delivery,, and more on the DoorDash app with partners including Albertsons-Safeway, Aldi, Dollar General, Hy-Vee, Meijer, Sprouts, Walgreens, and Wawa®. Today, there are tens of thousands of non-restaurant retail stores on the DoorDash platform across North America. DoorDash grocery delivery can help you save on time and money. “With DoorDash, you can eliminate all the fuss of waiting in long lines and looking for parking” says Almodovar. It’s convenient, easy, and more affordable than you may realize. You can save with DoorDash thanks to frequent deals, discounts, and more. The delivery app has been trusted to deliver meals from your favorite restaurants, and now, they can deliver your groceries too to make your favorite meals at home. Right now the best deal you can get is 30% off your first grocery order of $30 or more with the code: WEGETGROCERIES. So not only is DoorDash saving you money, but they’re saving you time and you know that’s priceless.” Its mission is to bring the best of every local neighborhood to consumers on-demand, from the weekly stock up to the last-minute ingredients needed for dinner tonight. The DoorDash app is available in the app store for iPhone and Google play store for Android. For more information, visit BIO: About Milly Almodovar Milly Almodovar is the former Senior Beauty Editor of Cosmopolitan for Latinas, now multimedia reporter, hispanic trends expert and TV Lifestyle and Beauty expert. You can find her on shows like Good Morning America, The Today Show, Rachael Ray, Dr Phil, etc. When Milly isn't working, she enjoys watching true crime shows and taking salsa lessons. Contact Details YourUpdateTV +1 212-736-2727

March 09, 2023 12:32 PM Eastern Standard Time

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Shopistry Launches Showcase, Bringing to Hollywood what Shopify did for Brands


Toronto, Ontario -- Shopistry, a leading commerce solutions company, today announced the launch of Shopistry Showcase, enabling filmmakers, studios, and distributors to launch direct to consumer online sites with the ability to stream content, sell merchandise, and directly engage audiences in one beautiful experience. As streaming giants Netflix, Disney, Apple, Amazon, and Paramount provide the opportunity for mass audience reach, filmmakers and studios are at risk of diminishing control over distribution, marketing, and revenue opportunities. Shopistry Showcase changes this dynamic with a direct-to-consumer channel for audience monetization that compliments existing licensing deals and provides growth capabilities not provided by the major platforms. “Being able to go direct to audiences and drive distribution, and monetize content from pre-release, post-release, and long tail with full control is a gamechanger. Fans can watch, shop, and share; it’s like Netflix meets Amazon and everyone wins,” said Matt Osterman Writer/Director (Bitcon, 400 Days, Hover, Ghost from the Machine). Academy Award winning NEON's innovative online experience is an example of how studios and creators can excite audiences with a beautiful online site including digital streaming, the ability to sell merchandise, gated content, and more. Hosted on Shopistry’s innovative content and commerce platform and integrated with leading providers the solution is built for scale and designed to adapt as consumer behavior continues to evolve. “By making it easy to launch a direct-to-consumer site, filmmakers, comedians, and all creators can bring their amazing work to audiences that love them and drive new revenue similar to how digital brands have done,” said Jaafer Haidar, CEO of Shopistry. “Showcase is the first integrated solution to elegantly bring commerce and content together. Louis CK and recently Andrew Schultz showed us that going direct to fans has a big payoff. We’ve made it easy for everyone”. Key benefits include: Streaming & Distribution: Monetize content with secure DRM and flexibility End-to-End Merchandising & Logistics: Sell products and take advantage of Shopistry’s product sourcing, management, and fulfillment Demand Generation: Drive discovery and traffic including social sharing Pre-launch to Long Tail Revenue: Gain across the content lifecycle pre and post release windows and long-tail Full-Service Partner: Managed and built for scale, no tech knowledge required About Shopistry Shopistry’s content + commerce platform empowers brands and creators with solutions to launch innovative shopping experiences and gain operational flexibility without complex engineering; significantly increasing time to value. Shopistry’s full suite of products, professional service, and high-performance managed infrastructure deliver the flexibility to continually adapt and power growth without heavy technical investment and keep pace as consumer behaviors and business needs evolve for the future. To learn more visit or Contact Details Shopistry Inc. Jaafer Haidar +1 519-670-0250 Company Website

March 09, 2023 11:30 AM Eastern Standard Time

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The Publisher Desk Acquires Forever Blueshirts, the Leading News Site Dedicated to the New York Rangers

The Publisher Desk

The Publisher Desk, one of the country’s top integrated audience development and content monetization partners for digital publishers, today announced that it has acquired Forever Blueshirts, the leading news, rumors, and fan engagement site for the New York Rangers and Hartford Wolfpack. The Publisher Desk plans to add Forever Blueshirts to its robust portfolio of sports and information sites, including the company flagship site, Sportsnaut, the most powerful name in sports news and information. “Forever Blueshirts embodies the type of content we are proud to represent from every sports site within our ecosystem: accurate, straightforward, and fearless sports news,” said Jeff Misenti, co-founder of The Publisher Desk. “It fits perfectly within our portfolio of both owned and independently operated sports sites, which have the dedicated audience and fan base so many advertisers covet.” Founded in 2014, Forever Blueshirts has grown to be one of the best-known New York Rangers focused destinations providing original, entertaining, and thought-provoking news, headlines, and trade rumors for the Rangers and Wolfpack through interviews, team features, and their leading podcast. “The Publisher Desk has an unmatched reputation in helping to develop audiences and grow revenue for sports publishers of all sizes around the country,” said Anthony Scultore, founder of Forever Blueshirts. “We believe that the insights and tools The Publisher Desk provides, coupled with the incredible reach of Sportsnaut, will accelerate our growth. It is an honor to be acquired by such a well-respected company in sports publishing.” Note: Forever Blueshirts is not affiliated with the National Hockey League, New York Rangers, or Madison Square Garden. About The Publisher Desk The Publisher Desk, based in New York with offices in London and South Florida, is a fully integrated audience development and content monetization partner to digital publishers, in addition to publishing several owned and operated sites. The company, founded in 2014, helps websites increase advertising revenues and reduce operational costs. Our team provides the proper resources, direction, operations, technology, and support for digital business, empowering sports, lifestyle & business media brands to connect with their audience and value-aligned advertisers. About Sportsnaut Sportsnaut is the most powerful name in sports. Since launch in 2014, Sportsnaut has been dedicated to covering the big and little stories in sports without an agenda. The company, and its publishing partners, provide news, opinion, rumors, and statistics for fans of the NFL, NCAA Football, NBA, NHL, Golf, NCAA Basketball, MLB, and more. Contact Details All Press Inquiries Company Website

March 09, 2023 09:03 AM Eastern Standard Time

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GameOn Entertainment expecting a "very profitable" 2023

GameOn Entertainment Technologies Inc

GameOn Entertainment Technologies Inc founder & CEO Matt Bailey speaks to Proactive's Thomas Warner about the work the B2B technology company is doing to "make it easy to get involved in web3 through games." Bailey says that after reaching cash break-even in December 2022, he's expecting a "very profitable" 2023. Contact Details Proactive United States Proactive United States +1 347-449-0879

March 08, 2023 12:58 PM Eastern Standard Time

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MinZheng Wahlers and Jadyn Diaz Named Winners of Jersey Mike’s Naismith High School Basketball Courage Award

Atlanta Tipoff Club

MinZheng “MZ” Wahlers of Golden View Classical Academy in Golden, Colo., and Jadyn Diaz of Ukiah High School in Ukiah, Calif., have been named the winners of the fourth annual Jersey Mike’s Naismith High School Basketball Courage Award. The Atlanta Tipoff Club, which administers the Naismith Awards, determined Wahlers and Diaz stood out above the rest after evaluating hundreds of nominations nationwide. The Naismith Awards are the most prestigious national honors in high school and college basketball. To watch a video of each winner, go to (Jadyn Diaz) and (MZ Wahlers). Diaz has dealt with a rare bone disease throughout her life that causes her bones to grow unintendedly, resulting in multiple surgeries. The operations cut back bones that grow larger than her body can handle. Her most recent surgery included the removal of two inches of a rib that punctured her lung. She recovered quicker than expected and rejoined the girls’ basketball team in a limited capacity. To add to her misfortune, she lost her mom to cancer a couple of years ago. Wahlers has also faced continuous adversity in his life. Born with a Cleft lip and palate in China, he was immediately abandoned at a police station, where doctors conducted emergency surgery to close his upper palate. After the operation, he was without a home. He was eventually fostered by a local family and began to focus on basketball. “Beyond the basketball court, MZ and Jadyn have demonstrated incredible courage throughout their lives and have become tremendous role models in their communities,” said Eric Oberman, executive director of the Atlanta Tipoff Club. “This award evaluates an individual as a well-rounded person, not just for their on-court talent, and both MZ and Jadyn exemplify what it means to win the Jersey Mike’s Naismith Courage Award.” The Jersey Mike’s Naismith High School Basketball Courage Award recognizes a high school basketball player who has consistently gone above and beyond throughout the basketball season and has demonstrated courage in their approach to their team, school, and community. Jersey Mike’s will make a $2,000 donation to each player’s high school basketball program in their honor and reward each winner with an additional $2,000 per student. Winners will be recognized at their school and through a video tribute shared across the Naismith Trophy and Jersey Mike’s websites and social media accounts. “We’ve been thrilled to help tell the stories of so many amazing and courageous student-athletes across the country,” said Rich Hope, Chief Marketing Officer of Jersey Mike’s Franchise Systems, Inc. “We want to congratulate Jadyn and MZ for winning the 2023 Jersey Mike’s Naismith High School Basketball Courage Awards. Their stories inspire all of us.” For more information about the winners, visit ABOUT THE ATLANTA TIPOFF CLUB Founded during the 1956-57 season, the Atlanta Tipoff Club is committed to promoting the game of basketball and recognizing the outstanding accomplishments of those who make the game so exciting. The Atlanta Tipoff Club administers the Naismith Awards, the most prestigious national honors in all of college and high school basketball. Named in honor of Dr. James Naismith, inventor of the game of basketball, the family of Naismith Awards annually recognizes the most outstanding men’s and women’s college and high school basketball players and coaches. Other Naismith Awards are presented to the men’s and women’s college basketball defensive players of the year, as well as lifetime achievement awards to basketball officials and outstanding contributors to the game. UCLA’s Lew Alcindor received the first Jersey Mike’s Naismith Trophy in 1969, while the late Anne Donovan (Old Dominion) was the inaugural women’s recipient in 1983. Corporate partners of the Naismith Awards include Jersey Mike’s and Werner Ladder. ABOUT JERSEY MIKE’S SUBS Jersey Mike’s Subs, with nearly 2,500 locations nationwide, serves authentic fresh sliced/fresh grilled subs on in-store freshly baked bread — the same recipe it started with in 1956. Passion for giving in Jersey Mike’s local communities is reflected in its mission statement “Giving…making a difference in someone’s life.” For more information, please visit or follow us on Facebook (, Instagram (, and Twitter ( Contact Details Eric Nemeth +1 602-502-2793 Company Website

March 08, 2023 12:39 PM Eastern Standard Time

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Playmaker and Complexity Gaming, a GameSquare Company, Strike Long-Term Deal to Bridge the Gap Between Gaming and Sports


Playmaker, a leading social media sports and entertainment content platform catering to Gen Z, and Complexity Gaming, a GameSquare company, have announced a multi-year partnership to link traditional sports and gaming through content collaboration and strategic development with athletes and gamers. “Given its emerging popularity among our audience, we know this is the optimal time to fully embrace esports, and launch a dedicated channel,” said Playmaker CEO Brandon Harris. “Complexity Gaming’s support is essential in building out this new vertical, as we now have significant connections to prominent industry tools, leaders and influencers.” As a leading esports organization in North America, Complexity will serve as a key resource for Playmaker as it ventures into the ascending esports market with its recalibrated esports and gaming channel, playmakerOP. The partnership will arm Playmaker with preferred access to GameSquare’s full service content studio, creative assets, gaming equipment and technology, and a roster of high-profile athletes and gaming influencers under management. Additionally, Playmaker will utilize Complexity’s two decades of industry knowledge as it builds out a comprehensive gaming strategy. Playmaker’s sizable following enhances Complexity’s efforts to drive media visibility and brand awareness. Playmaker’s audience includes more than 18 million followers across social platforms, touching a variety of verticals including sports, betting and entertainment. Additionally, Playmaker manages and produces content with notable athletes and influencers such as Tracy McGrady, Nate Robinson and Xavien Howard, amplifying the magnitude of its influence and reach. “We want to ensure that we are at the forefront of the convergence of gaming and traditional sports,“ said GameSquare CEO Justin Kenna. “Working alongside Playmaker affords Complexity access to engaged audiences across sports and entertainment, noteworthy influencers, and key brand relationships, making the company the ideal partner to expand our capabilities and serve our growing global audience.” About Playmaker Founded in 2018, Playmaker is a new-age media, talent & merchandise company. The company currently influences more than 18 million followers across its social media, 50+ athletes under management and more than 20 original shows on Snap Discover. In addition to its flagship sports content, Playmaker operates independent branded verticals including betting, entertainment, basketball and esports. For more information, please visit Playmaker’s official website: About Complexity Gaming Complexity Gaming, a GameSquare subsidiary, is one of North America’s longest-standing esports organizations. Complexity Gaming’s Esports teams have won more than 140 championships in nearly 30 game titles over its 15+ year history. Staunchly committed to passion, professionalism, and a player-first mentality, Complexity Gaming has been continuously recognized as a global leader in modern esports. For more information on Complexity Gaming, visit and follow the organization on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok and Facebook. About GameSquare GameSquare (CSE: GSQ; OTCQB: GMSQF; FRA: 29Q1) is a vertically integrated, international digital media and entertainment company enabling global brands to connect and interact with gaming and esports fans. GameSquare owns a portfolio of companies including Code Red Esports Ltd., an esports talent agency serving the UK, GCN, a digital media company focusing on the gaming and esports audience based in Los Angeles, USA., Cut+Sew (Zoned), a gaming and lifestyle marketing agency based in Los Angeles, USA, Complexity Gaming, a leading esports organization operating in the United States, Fourth Frame Studios, a multidisciplinary creative production studio, and Mission Supply, a merchandise and consumer products business. The Company is headquartered in Toronto, Canada. Contact Details Alex Shapiro +1 732-770-9395 Company Website

March 08, 2023 07:30 AM Eastern Standard Time

Article thumbnail News Release

Family Entertainment Live and Mattel Announce 2023 Expansion of Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live™ Glow Party™

Family Entertainment Live

To meet growing demand from fans and venues, Family Entertainment Live and Mattel today announced a major expansion of the Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live Glow Party North American tour, coming in the second half of 2023. Following record breaking sales in 2022 and the beginning of 2023, Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live Glow Party has added 23 markets to its expanding schedule, including some of the country’s most preeminent arenas such as the Barclays Center (Brooklyn), Chase Center (San Francisco), Target Center (Minneapolis), and Wells Fargo Center (Philadelphia). The newly announced tour dates will begin in July, filling the 2023 Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live schedule with more events than ever. Presale tickets will be available on March 8, with public sale beginning on March 10, in most markets. Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live is produced by Family Entertainment Live, and brings fans’ favorite Hot Wheels Monster Trucks to life including Mega Wrex™, Tiger Shark™, Boneshaker™, Bigfoot®, and the all-new Gunkster™, to name just a few. The Glow Party production features a laser light show, spectacular theatrical effects, dance parties, and lots of Hot Wheels toy giveaways. Fans can also witness a special appearance from the car-eating, fire-breathing, transforming robot MEGASAURUS™, plus the high-flyers of Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live Freestyle Motocross. "After a record-breaking season in 2022, the tour’s expansion to more cities and renowned venues across the United States ensures that Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live can build upon the incredible momentum that began with Glow Party,” said Julie Freeland, Senior Director of Global Location Based Entertainment at Mattel. “Our exhilarating tour theme, coupled with a robust second half schedule, means even more families will be able to connect and engage with their favorite real-life Hot Wheels Monster Trucks like never before.” “After so much early success with Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live, we thought this was the perfect time to take it to another gear across the U.S.,” said Ken Hudgens, CEO of Family Entertainment Live. “The fans’ response has been incredible both domestically and overseas. Families will now have even more opportunities to experience the party at some of the most well-known venues throughout the major metros of North America.” Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live™ Glow Party™ 2023 extended tour* dates are as follows. Matinee and evening performances are available across all dates. July 29-30 INTRUST Bank Arena Wichita, KS August 5-6 Chase Center San Francisco, CA August 5-6 Blue Cross Arena Rochester, NY August 12-13 XL Center Hartford, CT August 12-13 Veterans Memorial Coliseum Portland, OR August 19-20 Desert Diamond Arena Glendale, AZ August 26-27 Toyota Arena Ontario, CA August 26-27 Wells Fargo Center Philadelphia, PA September 2-3 Orleans Arena Las Vegas, NV September 9-10 Acrisure Arena Coachella Valley, CA September 23-24 Pechanga Arena San Diego, CA September 23-24 KFC Yum! Center Louisville, KY Sept 30 Barclays Center Brooklyn, NY October 7-8 T-Mobile Center Kansas City, MO October 7-8 Scope Arena Norfolk, VA October 14-15 DCU Arena Worcester, MA October 14-15 Cross Insurance Arena Portland, ME October 20-22 Cross Insurance Center Bangor, ME November 4-5 FedExForum Memphis, TN November 4-5 Family Arena St. Charles, MO November 11-12 Dickies Arena Ft. Worth, TX November 18 Target Center Minneapolis, MN November 18-19 Paycom Center Oklahoma City, OK *Additional dates to be announced. Hot Wheels fans also have the opportunity to participate in the Crash Zone Pre-Show Party, held two and a half hours prior to every performance. The unique experience provides fans access to the competition floor where they can see the outrageous designs and epic size of the Hot Wheels Monster Trucks along with autograph signings from their favorite drivers and performers. Each Crash Zone ticket includes an autograph card, souvenir pass, and a lanyard exclusive to Crash Zone attendees. Passes will be available to purchase while supplies last. Fans can go to for more information. The Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live tour is a partnership between Mattel and Raycom-Legacy Content Company, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Family Entertainment Holdings, LLC. About Mattel Mattel is a leading global toy company and owner of one of the strongest catalogs of children’s and family entertainment franchises in the world. We create innovative products and experiences that inspire, entertain, and develop children through play. We engage consumers through our portfolio of iconic brands, including Barbie®, Hot Wheels®, Fisher-Price®, American Girl®, Thomas & Friends®, UNO®, Masters of the Universe®, Monster High® and MEGA®, as well as other popular intellectual properties that we own or license in partnership with global entertainment companies. Our offerings include film and television content, gaming, music, and live events. We operate in 35 locations and our products are available in more than 150 countries in collaboration with the world’s leading retail and ecommerce companies. Since its founding in 1945, Mattel is proud to be a trusted partner in empowering children to explore the wonder of childhood and reach their full potential. Visit us online at About Family Entertainment Live Family Entertainment Holdings, LLC is a diversified, entertainment holding company that develops family-oriented live events including Monster High® Live, Magic of Lights ®, an outdoor holiday lights drive-through experience produced at venues throughout North America and Hot Wheels® Monster Trucks Live, showcasing a toys-to-life show of Mattel’s legendary Hot Wheels Monster Trucks show presented across North America, Europe and elsewhere internationally. The Company is headquartered in Medina, Ohio. For more information visit Contact Details Eric PR & Marketing, LLC Eric Nemeth +1 602-502-2793

March 07, 2023 09:00 AM Eastern Standard Time

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